22 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
8 Files
Create Compelling Characters: Two Major Character Archetypes
Create Compelling Characters: Character Squares
Create Compelling Characters: Make it Personal
Feedback on Character Squares
Create Compelling Characters: Character Maps
Anatomy of a Scene
Basic Screenplay Formatting, Dialogue Pro Tips and Scene Roadmaps
Write Your Scene
Scene Feedback
Secondary Character Archetypes
Deepen Your Characters
Advanced Level Tools: Set Ups + Pay Offs
Advanced Level Tools: Subvert Expectations
Advanced Level Tools: Producibility
Story Elements of 3-Act Structure
Outlining: Create Your Mini Outline
Outlining: How to Format your Outline
Review of Story Elements of 3-Act Structure with Short Film Analysis
Act 1 Outline Feedback
Outline Feedback and Recap